
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Barbeque Grill Wandered Off...

  It was around noon when Frank got home; he had avoided all the usual dangers and was hoping just to drink a good cup of coffee. He had thrown his car keys down on the counter like normal and was surprised with a metallic clang of keys hitting tile. “What the hell,” came his confused voice when he realized something was definitely wrong with that; he slowly started to shake off the drivetime haze.  Where the counter had always been was nothing, he could see the outline of where it used to be. The tiles under the counter were decidedly whiter than the greyish tile he had assumed his kitchen should have. He stared at the spot, wondering how Sarah would react when she saw this, “Well, I guess there’s a reason we were told never to use harsh chemicals.” Bending down to pick the keys up, he decided to ignore the issue; for now, it was clearly something serious, and he needed his afternoon fix to handle any problems. He walked to where the fridge was supposed to be, only...