The Thing About Failure.
Books, games, movies, series, these things lie to us, the create this internal world of “if I do something well this time, if I train really hard this time, then I shall be the best!”. And it is by far the biggest lie children grow up with, and it has ruined the way adults look at the world more than most. The thing about failure is that you have to do it, you have to fail, we look at history and success stories as these great singular achievements. When in reality they were anything but that, they were a series of spectacular, small, larger, insignificant, failures. You have to fail, to know what not to do, you have to fail. The best way to explain this is through looking at exams, all the way back at school level. If you walk into an exam and you did nothing but still barely pass that feels good. But you learned nothing from this experience, all you learned was you could do nothing and still pass. But, if you start to study, and you get maybe 1% more on that exam, barely passin...